This copyright notice appears on each page of the site.
This site is the result of many years of work on my part and the contributions of many other active collectors and telephone historians. Many of the photos and other info are from other sources and are reproduced here with express permission of the copyright holder.
The following is from the U.S. Copyright Office: Copyright is a form of protection provided by the laws of the United States to authors of “original works of authorship.” When a work is published under the authority of the copyright owner, a notice of copyright may be placed on all publicly distributed copies or phonorecords. The use of the notice is the responsibility of the copyright owner and does not require permission from, or registration with, the Copyright Office. Use of the notice may be important
because it informs the public that the work is protected by copyright,
identifies the copyright owner, and shows the year of first
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work carries a proper notice, the court will not give any weight to a
defendant’s interposition of an innocent infringement defense—that is,
that he or she did not realize that the work was protected. For more information on copyright, an internet search will provide more than you ever wanted to know on the subject.
I am generally
pleased to see site content excerpted on or linked from other
sites, short duration ebay listings, books, articles or elsewhere --
but expect to
receive proper credit. Ebay protects material under copyright. See their site for links to the "eBay Verified Rights Owner (VeRO) Program." As active participants in the development of this site,
members of
ATCA, TCI, CRPF and their on-line forums may freely quote from the site
ongoing on-line discussions without specific permission. Before
using anything from this site, please send an email describing
the proposed use to the address in the box
at the bottom of this or any other page on the site. Note that
the address is in image format only (to help minimize spam), so you'll
have to type it. Permission for non-commercial use or formal publication is
promptly granted, provided the requestor gives appropriate and proper
credit for the source of the material used. Note that some material and all attributed photos on the site
the intellectual property of
others. I do not generally have authority to grant permission to
use their work, so permission for use must be secured directly from
the noted copyright
holder. In general, links to this site are preferable to posting or
mirroring copies elsewhere, as content is updated based on further
research and the comments from site visitors. Quotes from this site should include appropriate source credit
and a
link to this site for further research. Thank you for your cooperation. I have worked to secure proper permission for the works of others that appear on this site, and I trust you will respect the original research and organization that went into the development of this site by referring others to the site and by properly giving credit to any material used for other purposes. Please send any comments, additions and corrections. Last update: 22 July 2013 |
©2004-13 paulf. All rights reserved.