Telephones and
telephone-related items have long been used as
promotional give-aways or to garner free public relations coverage in the local or national press. Here are some random examples of items with attached plaques or dated or event-specific messages. |
Highlights on this
page: 50 Millionth US Phone
Mini Princess Phones
100 Millionth US Phone
Trimline 30th Anniv. |
wanted] |
1917 - Duke of Devonshire Silver telephone presented to the Governor General of Canada during the opening of the Bell Telephone Memorial in Brantford, Ontario, Canada on October 24, 1917. |
1940 - Chicago's Millionth
Telephone. A Western Electric 3-Slot Paystation with oxidized silver finish and lucite F-type handset. Phone number MIDway 1940. Installed on the first floor of the west wing of the Museum of Science and Industry. |
and telephone display in the Museum of Science and
Industry in 1940. The booth's chair is painted oxidized silver to match the phone! More details are in the August 1993 issue of TCI's Singing Wires. From Illinois Bell's Bell Telephone News, February 1940. |
1947 -
Western Electric 304 Plaque reads: Presented to |
1949 - Pacific Telephone - 4
Millionth Telephone Certificate reads: Commemorating Another Milestone in Telephone Development - The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company honors the United States Bureau of the Census, Area XIII, Los Angeles District Office, Los Angeles, California, recipient of the 4,000,000th telephone served by the Company. December 19, 1949. |
(auction photos) |
1951 - Western Electric
302 Plaque reads:
(auction photo) |
1952 - 750,000th
Telephone installed by Wisconsin Telephone Plaque reads: 750,000th TELEPHONE |
From Singing Wires, January 2011. |
1953 - 50 Millionth Telephone
in service in the US. Presented to President Eisenhower on November 18, 1953. THE
IN SERVICE IN THE NATION PRESENTED TO THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNTIED STATES DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER - NOVEMBER 18, 1953 Sources: "Telephones in the White House," Singing Wires, TCI, Jan. 2011, p4; "A Proud Symbol," Pacific Telephone Magazine, Dec. 1953, p3; "Ike Presented Phone...," Indianapolis Recorder, Nov. 21, 1953, p1. |
1953 - Mini 500 set in gold colored
metal, November 1953. (non-working.) Many were distributed to commemorate the 50 Millionth phone installed in the U.S. Plaque reads:
(auction photos) |
1954 -
Western Electric 302 Presentation Set Plaque reads: INSTALLED ON BEHALF OF THE |
1956 - New York Telephone - Mini 500 Reads: New York Telephone Company |
(auction photos) |
1956 - Flint
Michigan, 100,000th Telephone Reads:
1958 - Kellogg Sales Award Plaque reads: Presented to R. C. Ellis |
1959 - General Telephone of California -
1 Millionth Telephone Plaque reads: The Millionth TelephoneReportedly presented to Shirley Temple. |
1961 - Commemorative mini
Princess Sets. (non-working.) Found in all five original Princess colors: pink, white, aqua, beige and turquoise. About four inches long. Found with hot-stamped legends for events such as: - 3/3/61 - Science Recognition Day, Southwest Bell Telephone Co. - 1962 - Bell System Exhibit, Seattle World's Fair - 3/18/62 - Dial Conversion, Abilene, KS. - 12/16/62 - Dial Conversion, Concordia, KS. - 7/21/63 - Dial Conversion, Belleville, KS. - 7 Years Perfect Attendance, SWBT. - "Long Distance Pays Off" |
1963 - Bell System Employee Award |
1964 - Ohio Bell - 3 Millionth
Telephone Plaque reads:
Commemorating the Three Millionth Telephone |
1966 - Southern Bell - 10 Millionth
Telephone |
(Photo from Paul I.) |
1966 (ca) - West Coast Tel. -
250,000th Telephone Plaque reads: COMMEMORATING THE INSTALLATION |
(display in the Georgia State House) (auction photo) |
1967 - 100 Millionth US Telephone A gold Western Electric Rotary Trimline Reads:
Similar phones were given to President Johnson and governors of the 50 states and several territories. The President's phone was Touch-Tone. A conference call among recipients was held on May 11, 1967 to commemorate the placing of the 100 Millionth telephone in the US - including Bell System and independent phone company telephones. The actual 100 Millionth telephone was never identified. Sources: Events in Telephone History, AT&T; The Townsman, Wellesley, MA, Thursday, May 18, 1967; The Dispatch, Lexington, NC, May 11, 1967; Milwaukee Journal, May 12, 1967. |
1968 - Western Electric
Montgomery Plant mini Data Set Paperweight Plaque reads: Al Wentworth |
1969 - GTE Southeast - 500,000th
Telephone Plaque reads: 500,000 Station Commemoration |
1973 - Western Electric Indianapolis
Plant -- 25 Years of Telephone Production Also: 141 Millionth Telephone |
1976 - Western Electric
Design Line Commemorative Elite A special Bicentennial version with metal housing and four applied medals with a U.S. Bicentennial theme. The set also commemorated the anniversary of the 100th year of the telephone. More info on the Design Line page: weDesignLine.html#Elite |
1977 - Queen's Silver Jubilee Compact Phone Based on the Compact phone, introduced in 1974. With a commemorative dial center. Dial center for
the England version.
Phones for Scotland had a different shaped crown. |
1982 - Western Electric
Kearny Works Bookends Plaques read: Kearny Works 1925 Modernized Kearny 1982 |
1984 - Olympics Commemorative
telephones A single line set using a Touch-a-matic housing was made for use at the Olympics and as a souvenir. More info on the Design Line page here: weDesignLine.html#TAM16 The Showcase Olympic Commemorative Telephone has a rectangular space on top for one of several Olympic theme plaques or one of seven sculptures depicting Olympic events. More info on the Design Line page here: weDesignLine.html#Olympic84 |
1986 - Indianapolis Plant,
Design Line Showcase Telephone |
1993 - 30th Anniversary
Trimline - AT&T Model 210 Plaque reads: 30th ANNIVERSARY |
(auction photos) |
1997 (ca) - 150th Aniversary
of the birth of Alexander Graham Bell, Franklin Mint |
2001 - 25th Anniversary of first
Direct Distance Dialing Call Reads: 25th Anniversary of first |